History and Market Position

Value Proposition


History and Market Position


In 1999, Accurance was one of the two driving forces that birthed the volume author self-publishing industry we have known today. Our first client, AuthorHouse, regularly credited us—internally and to its two main competitors (Xlibris and iUniverse)—with its ascension and ability to maintain its largest-in-the-world status, as it grew from 6 employees to 250 in four years’ time in strategic partnership with us. (Note: The two main competitors went offshore after conferring with that client and have now been acquired by them, rolled up, and recently sold to Penguin Books for $100 million.)


Accurance either has been in the past or is currently a major provider for half of the eight largest author self-publishing providers in North America. Right now, we are forbidden by our contracts with our clients to work with the remaining four.


Accurance is the largest independent book-production firm worldwide, having completed more than 50,000 titles since its founding. Currently, Accurance annually processes approximately 10,000 projects, including (for example) more than 25 million words of mechanical editing, 4,000 manuscript reviews, 1,500 book covers, and reclamation of more than 100,000 pages from scanned images to live text.


Accurance was the first multipublisher aggregator for ebook distribution for one of the big four Apple-certified direct aggregators (INgrooves); in fact, helping at that time to rewrite the financial relationship contracts between INgrooves and clients at its inception. Accurance is the only INgrooves ebook multipublisher aggregator giving direct Client Console access to customers on the Accurance website.


Accurance is, bar none, the most cost-efficient, highest-value-per-dollar volume vendor of quality book production services worldwide.






Online chat schedule:


8:00 am - 5:00 pm ESTOnline

5:00 pm - 10:00 pm ESTOffline

10:00 pm - 8:00 am ESTOnline