Manuscript Formatting
For almost two decades, and for nearly 50,000 titles, we have offered our world-class Manuscript Formatting to publishing companies and accomplished authors for less cost and in less time than any other professional provider in the world. We're quite proud of that!
We'll let you tell us how you want the interior of your book to look. If you don't have an ideal layout in mind, our design teams will glean the "look and feel" of your manuscript, apply the standards of our industry, and mix in just the right touch of artistic license to create not just a formatted interior, but pages that you'll be proud to show off.
Our expert team will convert your manuscript from Word document format, or similar, to a professionally formatted PDF file—according to your choice of book size—ready to be uploaded for printing and publishing. We also promise you at least three revision cycles, so you will stay in complete control. If it looks like a fourth revision is needed, we will probably add that for free as well rather than try to nickel and dime you for just a little more. That's just not Publish Wholesale!
As our valued client, you will be assigned a personal representative, what we call your Customer Support Manager, to assist you with and through every phase of the process. We simply just don't subscribe to the belief that customer service can be cut or minimized in any way. It will always be more an art to us than just a service we provide, dedicated solely to ensure the successful outcome of your project, and your enjoyment in working with us.
Client Support
St. Petersburg, Florida
Phone No: (727) 394-4505