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eReady to Sell Package


5 Softcovers Printed / Shipped


  • up to 75,000 words            $999


  • with Standard Website (additional $150)


  • with Premium Website (additional $350)



  • 75,001 - 90,000 words         $1159


  • with Standard Website (additional $150)


  • with Premium Website (additional $350)



10 Softcovers Printed / Shipped      $1269   


  • with Standard Website (additional $150)


  • with Premium Website (additional $350)



For the author with an edited manuscript who needs his or her masterpiece in ebook form with a POD publisher for worldwide distribution.



High-Level Manuscript Review

Our High-Level Manuscript Review service offers a reading of your manuscript, and then reports on important elements of review and critique. This includes story synopsis, mechanical editing analysis, and substantive review in the most important categories of relevant writing quality.



Custom Cover Design

We don't believe you wrote a generic book. That's why we think you deserve much more than a generic or template cover that looks like thousands of other books on the market. We simply believe that you CAN judge a book by its cover, and we start every project with that core belief ingrained in our design team. You can either create your own design for the front and back covers or you can leave it to our artists. This services also includes up to three revision cycles.



Manuscript Formatting

For 14 years, and more than 50,000 titles, our parent company has offered world-class Manuscript Formatting to publishing companies for less cost and in less time than any other professional provider in the world. Now, we offer that to you the accomplished author. We still respect the fact that YOU ARE the author, so you can have as much input as you like and again, that includes up to three revision cycles.



Publish, Print, Distribute, Royalties

Finally, we'll make all the arrangements for your publishing, printing, distribution, royalties, ecommerce, and discounts. We'll buy your ISBN and ship 10 copies of your beautiful book right to your door. You'll never again have your book published by a company that later disappears, and you'll never again pay more for distribution worldwide or receive less than you should in royalties.



Conversion to eBook

We'll convert your finished and approved print files to all the formats necessary for your ebook, along with its beautiful front cover, to be readable on Kindle, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, MobiPocket, Sony eReader, Microsoft Reader portable applications, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo eReader, Adobe Digital Editions, other pads, and several other eReader devices. Your ebook will be viewable on virtually every device made today, vastly increasing the size of your potential audience.



EDAPT eBook Distribution

Your beautiful new ebook will be distributed to ebookstore Web sites and ebook device home libraries and catalogs—representing more than 90% of ebook sales that occur in North America. Currently, our EDAPT clients are receiving approximately 50% of retail sales, although many retailers don't even work directly with authors.



Website Creation

You cannot create a following without your own Web site, and that is what we’ll create for you. Your Web site will have all the information about you and your book, including both text and graphics. It will be a host for your articles, press release links, blog(s), and social media link(s). It will be set up in a way that readers can easily access your retailer for the purchase of either your printed book or your ebook. The three packages vary tremendously, so please check out the details.